Critical Global Studies - Frontiers of Globalisation: an inter-/transdisciplinary approach

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Critical Global Studies - Frontiers of Globalisation: an inter-/transdisciplinary approach The Research Seminar of the Ghent Centre for Global Studies is on offer as a specialist course of the Doctoral Schools of Ghent University. The Global Studies Research Seminar provides doctoral students whose research is situated in, or related to, the field of Global Studies in‐depth and advanced training in contemporary critical Global Studies, and theory and methodology in related fields, such as Postcolonial and Subaltern Studies, International Studies, EU Studies, Area Studies, Conflict Studies, etc., next to general scholarly skills such as reading, writing, discussing and presenting. 1. Frontiers of Land Control. Tuesday 23/2/2016, 14h-17h. Michael Eilenberg (Aarhus University); Jeroen Adam (Conflict Research Group); Giselle Corradi (Human Rights Centre)
Periode23 feb. 2016
PlaceringGhent, BelgienVis på kort