ALMaSS: A systems simulation approach to environmental and wildlife management

    Aktivitet: Deltagelse i eller arrangement af en begivenhed - typerDeltagelse i eller organisering af workshop, seminar eller kursus


    ALMaSS: A systems simulation approach to environmental and wildlife management

    The course will introduce the participants to modelling agents, landscapes & humans, pesticide risk assessment & workflows. At the end of the course, the participant should be able to demonstrate knowledge of:
    - Agents, species modelling, the model cycle and model development steps as well as ALMaSS main components
    - Sub-population modelling in ALMaSS
    - The roles of an ALMaSS landscape model and its core properties, the significance of agricultural areas and their management in ALMaSS
    - Environmental risk assessment (ERA) for populations, and pesticide modelling in ALMaSS
    - The ALMaSS toolchain
    - Multi-criteria decision-making and modelling of human species in ALMaSS
    Periode18 okt. 202122 okt. 2021
    Grad af anerkendelseInternational