Aesthetic Eruptions of the Digital

  • Lars Bo Løfgreen (Arrangør)

    Aktivitet: Deltagelse i eller arrangement af en begivenhed - typerDeltagelse i eller organisering af konference


    The urban environment is increasingly formed by the development of digital and mobile media. In this development there is no lack of investment in how these new technologies can be directed at making our lives both easier and more fun. But one could argue that we still need to find a proper ground for discussing these innovations in light of art, aesthetics and socio-cultural aspects. This conference is aimed at gathering researchers interested in the aesthetics and socio-cultural aspects of situated and ubiquitous technologies. In addition, we hope that this conference will provide a fertile ground for discussing how we can use the specific Nordic way of constructing a society (in political constitutions, sets of values, existing practices, and the commonsensical traits of our everyday cultures and forms of life) as a backdrop for discussions of digital urban living.
    Periode22 apr. 2010
    PlaceringÅrhus, DanmarkVis på kort